The Mayor of Igoumenitsa succeeded against the Regional Governor of Epirus, at the last meeting of the Municipal Council. The reason is the statements of Mr. Kachrimanis for the problematic - according to him - points of the tender that has been announced by FODSA Epirus for the operation of the eight Waste Transfer Stations. Mr. Lolos accused the Regional Governor of interfering in the issues of primary self-government. But the main thing is that he pointed out that with the intervention of the Regional Governor, the positions of the business interests that consider the competition as restrictive were strengthened. Where, of course, business interests are meant by the KTEL of Ioannina, which reacted openly, in relation to certain terms of the tender, which considers them problematic. So, we are not talking about any company, but a company that performs transport work of public interest.However, we do not think that these were the points that bothered Mr. Lolos. Besides, the Regional Governor, as the head of the body that has the overall responsibility of the waste management system and that has financed a large part of the necessary infrastructure, can say one more conversation, when in fact this conversation is not devoid of arguments.Therefore, Mr. Lolos probably found an opportunity to…. "Contradict" publicly (something that has really rarely happened) to the Regional Governor, to whom he seems to attribute a negative attitude towards the Municipality. But what is it that bothered the Mayor so much? The fact that the Governor is absent from the effort to claim the land zone? The fact that the Municipality of Igoumenitsa is one of the Municipalities with the lowest funding from the resources of the Region?The fact that the Regional Governor supports the administration of OLIG (the Chairman of the Board of which he is a Regional Councilor with Mr. Kachrimanis) with which the Municipality is… "on the knife"? Or because he fears that with all this not only will he not have the support of the Regional Governor in a possible reclaim of the City Hall, but there is also a case to have him against him? Time will tell which of the above applies.